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I will I will write you a 1 line poem with 2 words that rhyme on subject of your choice (no naughty topics please) for $2

in: Writing

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I will write you a 1 line poem with 2 words that rhyme on a subject like Christianity, love, relationships, happiness, joy, TV show, your pet, pets, family, holidays, animals, causes or on almost anything. I'm sorry but I do not want to write on certain things (hate, vulgar, erotic). To see some samples Google Lisa Sc poems. And if you see Youtube or blogspot or Google plus - you found me most likely.
I will write you a 1 line poem with 2 words that rhyme on subject of your choice (no naughty topics please)
I will write you a 1 line poem with 2 words that rhyme on subject of your choice (no naughty topics please)