49 Sellers and Buyers Online

I will I will promote your website or product or anything to unlimited facebook GROUPS composed of OVER 11 MILLIONS active members for $2

in: Advertising

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Your message will be seen by 300 GROUPS which composed of over 11,990,000 real and high quality active members on facebook. i will display your message ONE TIME IN 24HOURS,,, and it will stay in each group FOREVER... my job is to direct lots of traffic to your website or anything you want to promote. You can attach an image or video to the message you want to advertise. i will attach the SCREENSHOT after the work has been completed.
I will promote your website or product or anything to unlimited facebook GROUPS composed of OVER 11 MILLIONS active members
I will promote your website or product or anything to unlimited facebook GROUPS composed of OVER 11 MILLIONS active members